The Harry Potter craze had been around for a decade and it's still going on. Today, am going to tell you Harry Potter and me. When I was 11 years old, my bro bought me the Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone book as my birthday present. That was how I got to know about the existence of Harry Potter series. I tried very hard to read the book, but all I did was repeating reading the 1st chapter. No idea what it is about, I guess the language was a bit too difficult for me at that time. I was still all over reading Enid Blyton's book during the primary school years. So after watching the 1st Harry Potter movie, I managed to understand what was the whole book about and kept on reading. Just like all the other people, I was so into Harry Potter that I watched every movie, read every book of it. Then till the final chapter of Harry Potter, my bro bought me the book as birthday present again. Funny huh, he only bought me 1st and last book of Harry Potter. He did offered to buy the whole series as collection, why did I rejected. Regretful now. hah! Anyways, I still got to read them. Thanks to the library. :) He bought me the books, watched Harry Potter with me. So yeah, last week he brought me to watch part 2 of the deathly hallows. I think the story ended very good, and I love the happy ending. Harry Potter has taught me a lot indeed. From life & death, friendship, family, betrayal, loyalty. Lotsa life values we can learnt from the Harry Potter series. Harry Potter is an unique series and there's no other series like Harry Potter!

1st movie. Awww!
Photos taken from google. :)
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