Hey there, this would be a picture-describing post of what have I been doing last weekend and this week so far.
First Day back in hometown:
#1 Reached the grandparents house and was welcomed with grandma's home-cooked-lunch. Then in the evening, uncle brought us to Bukit Jawi Golf Resort for a swim. This place brought back the childhood memories where the uncle would bring us there for a swim everytime we are back in hometown. It has been long. I remember us the cousiees had so much fun swimming, sliding down the slides. Reminiscence, indeed.
#2 At night, we had a small family dinner. This restaurant serves really good Chinese food and I can only taste them when I am back there. What most important is the small reunion with them and had a good dinner with good food.
#3 First dish for the night. Picture courtesy of @wilsonbeh's instagram. Heh! Yummeh! Was too lazy to take pictures that night because I just want to sit down and enjoy the food. :)
The Second Day:
#4 The second day morning, grandma literally bang into the room and woke us up @930am for breakfast. We headed to Jawi for the famous chai kuey. The family always thought I really like chai kuey that they would packed chai kuey for us back to KL. In fact, I actually like Mang Kuang Kuey not Chai Kuey. haha! But yeah, dim sum breakkie with the family. Bliss. There's no dim sum for breakkie in KL, since my mum doesn't wake me up like how my grandma did. Hence, no dim sum for breakfast here. haha!
#5 At night, we headed to this very nice, with waitress wearing cheongsam, comfy restaurant for dinner. No, these 2 cutiepie aren't my cousins, they are my lil' cutiepie nephews.
#6 Everyday Supreme.
Awww yummy food overloaded. Everyday is food fiesta back there.
Third day - fun day spent in Penang Island:
That day was a fun and exciting day, heading to the island, to the ocean and where the heritage buildings located. Ahhh the paradise that I have always longing to be at. Am really considering moving there next time. Haha! Had nam tian breakfast with the grandma. Roti bakar & milo! This vintage coffee shop has been there since 20 years ago and nothing has changed. The smell of vintage. :)
First stop was Penang Hill. My last visit was 9 years ago, and I remember the furnicular train has no air-cond and it was indeed a very crowded and slow journey up the hill. Not a pleasant one, but the new furnicular train was pretty okay compared to the previous one. With air-cond and move faster but there's still more rooms of improvement.
#7 This fella was showing me the correct way of playing teng teng, the traditional game. This fella couldn't stop teasing me all the way bout not knowing how to cycle, not knowing how to swim, not knowing how to play teng teng in the correct way. Double triple meh -____- I have lousy cousin that loves to tease me. Still wuey wuey the best!
#8 Oh this photo was taken from @wilsonbeh's instagram too. heh. Nice cafe looking down at the whole Penang, but that day the haze was too heavy, couldn't see anything. -___- Not sure if it's haze or mist thou.
Second stop was food stop! Ahhh air itam's laksa/char keow teow, penang road cendol/rojak. Loads and loads of penang food!!! Food heaven indeed. Ahhhh I miss penang already :(
Third stop around touristy attraction @Georgetown #likeatourist:
Full of photos. haha! Am too lazy to arrange the photos. The cousins took us to check out the Mural Art @Armenian Street by Ernest Zacharevic. Really unique pieces of art combining with 2D art and 3D real bicycle for example. The art is drawn on some very old vintage building where the walls are peeling off already. These art made these abandoned vintage building into some tourist attraction where everyone would come and drop by just to take photos with these mural arts. A good idea indeed.
Then we headed to the well-known clan jetty in Penang. First time there and am amaze with how simple can life be over there. Will talk about that later.
Went over to Chinahouse "which is a traditional compound of 3 heritage buildings, linked by an open air courtyard and converted into 14 spaces comprising shops, cafes, restaurants, galleries and multi-purpose performance theatre." You can check out this awesome unique concept here
http://www.chinahouse.com.my/. Ahh didn't get to sit down there at the cafe for their coffee and cake. Will do that next trip!
Our last stop was Northam Beach Cafe for dinner with the cousins by the sea. Awwww favourite hawker center :)
This Amelia cafe is really unique! Couldn't be seen as a cafe if you didn't look properly. It's covered with leaves and plants. Unfortunately, it's not open that day. :( Saw a lot about this cafe from various blog, will come here next trip!
#9 Sea view @Northam Beach Cafe. Sampans <3 I have something towards sampan which the cousins know about it. I simply adore them.
#10 Polaroids for the day.
Finally done with Penang, whole loads of photos. Great memories. Have yet to jot down the thoughts I got from Penang thou.
Wednesday with the galfriend @Paradigm Mall. Lunch and tea time with her. Bliss <3
#11 My New York Fish & Chips.
#12 Her Artic Fish & Chips.
#13 Photo courtesy of Lavee's instagram. :)
#14 Tea time & gossip time @The Coffee Bean with her. :DDD This girl has been practicing logging out her fb account from her mobile. hehe!!! for she is afraid I might use her fb account to do something. hehehe!!! *am feeling evil.
Friday was the KL Adventure. Was really a lousy KL-lite for not knowing how to get from one mall to another mall at the Golden Triangle. Watched Greedy Ghost @Pavilion and had a great time laughing at the comedy and also some freaking out at some ghostly scene. -___- Tiring day indeed walking around the whole street of Bukit Bintang. D: Korean food @So Poong for lunch & Thai food @Absolute Thai for dinner. Was craving for nasi lemak for dinner but there's some circumstances, so we went for my 2nd craving. The tom yam! This week is definitely a food over-loaded week.

I guess what's most important was the people you spend time with. Of course food plays important role. Good food, happy stomach, happy me. But still great companion, happier me. Haha okay excuse the grammatical error. I had a great week indeed, spending time with the family & friends. Thank you for making me leaving things that I have been worrying aside, those negative thoughts that have been lingering in my mind everyday. I still can't get rid of them thou, and it's increasing as day goes by. :( I need to end this post already. It's freaking long. :O