-It's just a matter of getting used to it.-

Saturday, January 19, 2013


-Daily Writing #3-

  • Woke up extremely early today and had a pretty productive morning. :)
  • Pan mee for lunchie. Ahhh my fav food. I can have pan mee everyday. Can I? But seeing that it's made of flour, and if I were to eat that everyday, I can assure that you will see obese xuannie very soon. But it's the only food that can excite me and make me happy. So today we went to this other pan mee shop, not Jojo and not noodle house that I always visit. This pan mee shop which has a pretty interesting name, Ha Ha Xiu. 
  • Craving for some raw salmon right now. Yummeh! 
  • Spend some time at Pacific Coffee Company with the dearest after one week. Coffee, hot chocolate, laptop and notes. Doing our own stuff, but it's the companion that matters. 
  • Went for a walk at the playground in the evening after like 2 months? 
  • There were like sooooo many cute lil' kids. Like freaking many of them. Extremely adorable when they walked imbalance in their cute lil' crocs. Awww, am starting to like kids. I think? Good sign huh. 
  • While the maids accompany the lil' kids around the playground, there's another scene of old people gathering around chit-chatting.
  • Ohh and also in the another corner, there's some ... i mean there's a lot of primary school kids playing football. 
  • Wondering where's all the teenagers and young adults. -__- Probably at home staring at the screens. 
  • Seeing parents playing badminton with their kids, I would definitely do that too in the future. Just because am craving to play badminton. Haha!
  • Went dinner eating fish head noodles. Errp, if I have the choice, I would not eat fish head noodles. Can they not put ginger in it. Like so many of them? I have to pick them out one by one. T_T
  • Realize I have not been bringing my camera out these days. Should start picking up that habit again and capture everything. Picture turns into great memories. :) Be it just a bowl of pan mee or a cup of coffee. <3

Today's quote would be this: 

"I often hear people say that they read to escape reality, but I believe that what they’re really doing is reading to find reason for hope, to find strength. While a bad book leaves readers with a sense of hopelessness and despair, a good novel, through stories of values realized, of wrongs righted, can bring to readers a connection to the wonder of life. A good novel shows how life can and ought to be lived. It not only entertains but energizes and uplifts readers."

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